
Showing posts from January 10, 2016

Review of My Book: Antiracist Writing Assessment Ecologies

This post is in part shameless self-promotion, but then the history of blogs is such that this is part of the genre. Recently, Katrina Love Miller (University of Nevada, Reno) wrote a review of my latest book, Antiracist Writing Assessment Ecologies: Teaching and Assessing for a Social Just Future . The review is titled, " Working Against Racism: a Review of Antiracist Writing Assessment Ecologies ," and it is in the Journal of Writing Assessment . It's a wonderful review, and she nicely captures most of the themes and lines of argument that I attempted in the book. I'm very grateful for Miller's review and for the co-editors of the journal, Diane Kelly-Riley and Carl Whithaus, to assign my book for a review so early. I hope to see more reviews in the coming year or so from other journals. I won't engage with the review, but let Miller's words and mine in my book stand on their own merits. I'll end this brief post by giving you a taste of where ...