Labor-Based Grading Resources

Since I'm asked a lot about labor-based grading contract resources for secondary and post secondary teachers, I made this page. I update it frequently, so do check back. If you have a link or something to add to it, please let me know. For ease of finding this page in the future, I've made the below for this webpage and the QR code to the right.

My Resources

I've published quite a bit about labor-based grading contracts. Here's a list of those resources. 

I also set up a G'drive (Grading Contract Resources) with lots of articles, sample template contracts, and other resources for teachers.  

My Blog Posts 

You can see all the tagged blog posts of mine that focus on labor-based grading contracts, but I've highlighted a few below that I think are most useful for those interested in the practice but have not yet tried them. 

For Students 

Traci Gardner's infographic on labor-based grading
While I offer some of the other resources on this page to students in my courses, the listed resources below I think might be directly helpful to students in understanding labor-based grading contracts, as well as grading more generally. I find all these useable with FYW students and written mostly for students. 
Others' Resources

I've not included all the blog posts and webpages from other sites that discuss labor-based grading contracts, or just grading contracts more generally. The places I list below are ones I think might be useful to teachers and students who are newer to grading contracts. 
Published Resources

I'll add more published resources here, but these feel to me like important ones to read or consider initially when thinking about whether to do labor-base grading or not. 
More to come. If you have a really useful site or post you think I should include on this page, please send me an email ( Thanks for coming by! 

last updated: 27 Feb 2024


This information and resources on this page are offered for free in order to engage language and literacy teachers of all levels in antiracist work and dialogue. The hope is that it will help raise enough money to do more substantial and ongoing antiracist work by funding the Asao and Kelly Inoue Antiracist Teaching Endowment, housed at Oregon State University. Read more about the endowment on my endowment page. Please consider donating to the endowment. Thank you for your help and engagement.