What does a labor-based grading system afford you as a student and learner in a writing course?

This is a series of blogposts meant for students who are in courses using grading contracts of some kind to determine their final course grades, or those who just want to understand better what grades are, what they do in classrooms, and how they effect learning. This is the fifth post in a series of five blogposts meant to address questions about grading and grading contracts. If you're a teacher (or an inquisitive student), you might look at my Labor-Based Grading Contracts Resources page. This series is a collaboration with the really awesome podcast, Pedagogue ( @_Pedagogue_ ) with Shane Wood. You can listen to me reading this blogpost at Pedagogue , or use the widget below. But maybe you just want to read it on your own below, or follow along. Pedagogue · Pedagogue & Infrequent Words: What Does a Labor-Based Grading System Afford You as a Student? *** Q5. What does a labor-based grading syst...