A Response to Paul Beehler -- Part 1 of 3
Over the next few weeks, I offer an extended response to Paul Beehler's article, " Cracking the Code (Meshing and Switching): Standard English as a Required Ticket to Influence ," in the International Journal of Information and Education Technology ( Vol. 10, No. 3, March 2020). My good friend and colleague, Vershawn Ashanti Young , suggested I write a response because the article required it. So here's the first installment of three posts over next week or so. Thinkin' Bout Towers and Strunk & White's Babel In his article, “Cracking the Code (Meshing and Switching): Standard English as a Required Ticket to Influence,” Paul A. J. Beehler argues that it is essential that writing teachers and schools promote and teach a single standardized English, suggesting that it need not be associated with a white racial group of language users, and that it is a key to future success in our society, a society that already uses and favors such an English. I ap...