
Showing posts from June 6, 2021

First-Year Composition Goals Statement

Statement Toward First-Year Composition Goals   11 June 2021 As the newly formed Institute of Race, Rhetoric, and Literacy (previously known as the CWPA Outcomes Statement Revision Task Force), we offer this explanation and statement toward the goals for First-Year Composition (FYC) courses and programs.  Originally, we were tasked to revise the CWPA Outcomes Statement for First-Year Composition in order for that document to be more explicitly antiracist. Our discussion with the CWPA Executive Board of our revisions to the outcomes statement resulted in our parting ways with the CWPA and taking our statement with us (see Asao’s blog, ). While the full goals statement is still in development, we present this initial statement directly to our colleagues and the public as a way to offer a good faith status report on this ongoing work. In order to serve our communities best, we advance this summary of our forthcoming FYC goal...

Blogbook -- Brave Classrooms Ain't Safe Classrooms

Entry 24 As items 3 and 4 in my list of habits that make antiracist orientations of teachers suggest (from post 22 ), I find it important to form agreements with students about what it means to be compassionate and brave in classrooms. Bravery in literacy and language classrooms is necessary if we want to fully and compassionately address White language supremacy. As I’ve suggested up to this point, you cannot do antiracist work without talking about, dealing carefully and continuously with, race, racism, and White supremacy in our languaging, judging, and literatures. Without being brave in a particular way, it is almost impossible to do any of this work.  And bravery is not safety in the conventional sense if safety means we don't risk changing.  When I say “brave,” I’m drawing on Brian Arao and Kristi Clemens’ chapter, “ From Safe Spaces to Brave Spaces: A New Way to Frame Dialogue Around Diversity and Social Justice ” ( note 138 ). In their chapter, they discuss ways to ha...

Do Grades Help Students Learn in Classrooms?

This is a series of blogposts  meant for students  who are in courses using grading contracts of some kind to determine their final course grades, or those who just want to understand better what grades are, what they do in classrooms, and how they effect learning. This is the  third  post in a series of five blogposts  meant to address questions about grading and grading contracts. If you're a teacher (or an inquisitive student), you might look at my  Labor-Based Grading Contracts Resources  page.  This series is a collaboration with the really awesome podcast,  Pedagogue   ( @_Pedagogue_ ) with Shane Wood. You can listen to  me reading this blogpost at Pedagogue , or use the widget below. But maybe you just want to read it on your own below, or follow along.  Pedagogue · Pedagogue & Infrequent Words: Do Grades Help Students Learn in Classrooms? *** Q3. Do grades help students learn in classrooms?  Over ...